Monday, October 22, 2007

Life in Bloom

Might as well post one of Keziah's best works to date as the first image post. Titled "Life in Bloom" and showcased at Alabang Filinvest's Treasure Trove on June 23, 2007, media is oil paint.

Prior to this painting, we enrolled her in an 8 sessions of basic painting, she started with pencil shadings, pastel color combination and eventually oil painting. She really enjoyed her summer vacation because aside from the art course, she gets to go to the mall regularly, eat at jolibee or mcdonalds and go window shopping!

Keziah's Art Attack

This blog is about my daughter Keziah Mendoza who loves to paint and cut anything to make a collage. She makes artworks everyday just for fun.

I think she will be a well known artist someday. She's a good artist now even at 8 years old, she has a lot of ideas and never fails to amaze me. When she was two years old, she was able to draw stick figures, by then I just know that she loves art.

I'll be posting old and new artworks by keziah here, so come back and take a look.